Category Archives: Business Growth

New app is cleaning up the market

WHIZZWhile the taxi-alternative Uber has made in-roads to the Australian market, a home grown company is using similar app technology on the cleaning industry.

WHIZZ entered the Sydney market earlier this year and already has seen phenomenal growth. Customers who are looking for reliable, professional and on-demand residential or office cleaning services can now access hundreds of cleaners – in much the same way commuters can search for Uber taxis.

We spoke with WHIZZ’s co-founder and CEO Mark Bernberg for the May 2015 edition of Business Essentials on the technology as well as the inspiration and early successes of the business.

Click here to listen to the interview in full.

Business lessons from Antarctica

James Tuckerman in AntarcticaEarlier this year, more than 100 entrepreneurs and business people from around Australia braved the cold and isolation for a ‘think tank’ in Antarctica.

James Tuckerman was one such entrepreneur embracing the once-in-a-life-time chance to talk to other leaders from a range of different backgrounds and industries.

He says it was the perfect setting to form business connections and appreciate what matters most in business and in life. We spoke with James for our April 2015 edition of Business Essentials. He explains the lessons he took from the journey.

Click here to listen to the interview in full.