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Date: 01/10/2022

A perpetual flux is how it feels right now for many in business. What happens at the macro level tends to trickle down to affect us all in the day-to-day running of our businesses.

We start the month by examining the bigger picture with Professor Neville Norman of Melbourne University. He says we will face more economic headwinds before things turn better.


At the bigger end of town – the unions, politicians and large corporates – got together recently at the Jobs and Skills Summit, the smaller players were represented by Alexi Boyd, CEO, the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia. We hear from her what representations she made and what the summit means for the bulk of businesses across the country.

Also this month is David Shein, an entrepreneur who grew his tech and communications business from the ground up to $1 billion in value 15 years. Anthony Healy of Australian Business Growth Fund explains the benefits from injecting growth capital.

Social media expert George Hawwa helps you build your brand value. Nathanael Lee of Mazars warns of protecting your assets from risk and unnecessary taxation. Michelle Bowden returns with tips on how to generate enthusiasm in others.

We finish the program with Canadian entrepreneur Roy Osing, who insists you should hire people who like people. Sounds obvious, but he shares his technique to know if they indeed do like their fellow Homo sapiens.