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Staying Positive!

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Running Time: 8:28

Date: 01/10/2011

There are many things in life we can't control or change, but our own attitudes and behaviours aren't among them. We need to make the most of that.

It was a very wise man who said we should have the courage to change the things we can change, the serenity to accept those we can't, and the wisdom to know the difference. Author and change facilitator Rod Matthews, applying that to everyday life, says it's easy to let mundane things like sleeping through an alarm clock trigger a bad day at work, so that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. But it's how werespond that matters, and that's very much within our control.

Rod says sports psychologists and elite sportspeople know the value of "mental rehearsal" - putting themselves in the frame of mind to handle something in the future, rather than just worrying about it.


Topics: Personal Development

Rod Matthews, Impact Human Performance Technologies